The Princess and the Frog 2
“The Princess and the Frog 2,” the long-awaited sequel to Disney’s beloved 2009 animated classic, is set to release on November 21, 2025. With a production budget of approximately $150 million, the film represents Disney’s commitment to reviving its traditional hand-drawn animation style while incorporating modern techniques to create a visually stunning experience. The sequel continues the story of Tiana, now a successful restaurateur and community leader in New Orleans, as she embarks on a new magical adventure that takes her beyond the bayou and into a world of new challenges, friendships, and self-discovery.
The original “The Princess and the Frog” was praised for its groundbreaking representation, introducing Disney’s first Black princess, and its rich storytelling inspired by New Orleans culture. While the first film earned a respectable $271 million at the global box office, its legacy has grown significantly over the years, becoming a cultural touchstone for fans of all ages. The sequel aims to build on this legacy, with a fresh, heartfelt story, a vibrant soundtrack blending jazz, blues, and gospel, and the return of fan-favorite characters like Prince Naveen, Louis the alligator, and Mama Odie.
Disney has launched an extensive marketing campaign for the sequel, including tie-in merchandise, theme park attractions, and a Disney+ series that bridges the gap between the two films. Early projections suggest that “The Princess and the Frog 2” could gross between $700 million and $1 billion globally, making it one of the most anticipated animated films of the decade. The film’s release during the Thanksgiving holiday season positions it perfectly to attract family audiences.
Critics and fans alike are excited about the sequel’s potential to further explore Tiana’s character and introduce new, memorable elements to the Disney canon. If successful, “The Princess and the Frog 2” could solidify its place as one of Disney’s most cherished franchises, celebrating diversity, resilience, and the magic of dreams. With its stunning visuals, unforgettable music, and heartfelt story, the sequel is poised to become a major success for Disney.