Home Alone 3 takes a fresh approach to the beloved franchise while staying true to its roots. The story follows 12-year-old Max Carter, a clever and resourceful boy who finds himself home alone during the holiday season. However, this time, the stakes are higher, and the story introduces a new twist: a young couple, Emma and Ryan, who are stranded outside Max’s house on a snowy Christmas Eve.
The movie begins with Max’s family planning a holiday vacation to a ski resort. However, due to a mix-up with the travel arrangements, Max is accidentally left behind at home. At first, Max is thrilled to have the house to himself, indulging in all the things he’s usually not allowed to do—eating junk food, playing video games, and staying up late. But his excitement quickly turns to concern when he notices suspicious activity in his neighborhood.
Unbeknownst to Max, a pair of bumbling thieves, Carla and Vince, are targeting his house, believing it contains a valuable antique hidden in the attic. Meanwhile, Emma and Ryan, a young couple traveling to visit family for Christmas, find themselves stranded outside Max’s house after their car breaks down in the middle of a snowstorm. With no other options, they seek shelter on Max’s porch, unaware of the chaos about to unfold.
Max initially views the couple as potential intruders but soon realizes they’re harmless and in need of help. Together, the three form an unlikely alliance to outwit the thieves. Using Max’s ingenuity, the couple’s teamwork, and a series of hilarious and creative traps, they defend the house from the burglars while forming a heartwarming bond.
As the night progresses, the snowstorm intensifies, and the trio learns the true meaning of family, friendship, and the holiday spirit. Home Alone 3 is a delightful mix of comedy, action, and heartfelt moments, making it a perfect holiday movie for audiences of all ages.