• December 29, 2024

Rise of the Guardians 2is an animated fantasy film directed Peter Ramsey and produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film is based on the book series The Guardians of Childhood by William Joyce, and it features a group of legendary characters who join forces to protect the world’s children from an ancient evil.

Rise Of The Guardians Review | Movie - Empire

The story follows a young, rebellious boy named Jack Frost (voiced by Chris Pine) who is chosen to be a Guardian, a group of mythic figures tasked with protecting the hopes, dreams, and innocence of children. The Guardians include Santa Claus (Alec Baldwin), the Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman), the Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher), the Sandman, and the mysterious and powerful leader of the Guardians, the Man in the Moon.

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS - Official Featurette - "Secrets of the Guardians" -  YouTube

The Guardians are united by their common goal of defending children from the evil spirit Pitch Black (Jude Law), who seeks to spread fear and darkness across the world. Pitch has a personal vendetta against the Guardians and is determined to defeat them, using his powers to instill fear in children, especially by turning their dreams into nightmares

Remember when rise of the guardians came out and the flood of Jack frost  fangirls that came with it? : r/DreamWorks

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