Shortcut | Official Trailer | Horror Brains

Shortcut (2025), produced by Horror Brains, is a highly anticipated psychological horror film that has already generated significant buzz among fans of the genre. The film was made with a production budget of approximately $25 million, a modest yet effective amount for a horror movie of this scale. The budget was strategically allocated to create a visually stunning and immersive experience, with a significant portion dedicated to practical effects, eerie set designs, and cutting-edge CGI to bring the twisted subway tunnel and its supernatural elements to life. The film also features a talented cast of up-and-coming actors, ensuring strong performances while keeping costs manageable. For more details about the production, visit

The release date for Shortcut is set for October 31, 2025, perfectly timed to coincide with Halloween, a prime season for horror films. This strategic release date positions the movie to dominate the box office during the spooky season, appealing to both casual moviegoers and hardcore horror fans. Early screenings and teaser trailers have already received rave reviews, with audiences praising the film’s unique concept, chilling atmosphere, and unexpected twists. Industry experts predict that Shortcut will gross over $150 million globally, making it a massive success for Horror Brains. Stay updated on the film’s release at

The success story of Shortcut is already taking shape, as the film is poised to become a standout in the horror genre. With its innovative storyline, spine-chilling visuals, and a marketing campaign that has captivated audiences worldwide, Shortcut is expected to leave a lasting impact. The film’s unique blend of psychological horror and supernatural elements sets it apart from traditional horror movies, ensuring its place as a modern classic. Merchandise, streaming rights, and potential sequels are expected to further boost the film’s profitability, with its net worth projected to exceed $200 million. For exclusive insights and updates on Shortcut, visit

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